Saturday 10 July 2010

grooming dogs

As I've said before, I think our relationship with groomers is most important, not only because we want them to make our dogs look good and feel good, but because we have to leave the dog with them and trust they will care for our dogs as well as we would do.

I've tried various places, and liked the one where owners are welcome to stay and watch the whole process through a glass window, but Penny loves best of all her long-time groomer, Michelle, who knew Penny before I did, because I got Penny from the vet clinic where Michelle grooms.

Today I presented Michelle with a challenge, because I had chopped at Penny's fur around her feet so I could put lotion on her sore feet, and I had also chopped off her fringe because it was getting in her eyes and I had to wait a couple of weeks for an appointment with Michelle, who only grooms on Saturdays.

Here's the result. I'm happy to see Penny's eyes once again, after lately having to peer through untidy tufts of hair to see whether she was looking in my direction.

Penny's not too happy in the photo, because she doesn't like that big camera-eye staring at her.


JD and Max said...

Hi Penny - we have a love/hate thing with our groomers! They take good care of us and tell us we're handsome (naturally!) and give us loads of treats whilst we're there and usually send us off with even more treats AND toys, BUT we're not sure we like the actual process of being groomed! It's just so tiring. FH really does seem to love us just after each grooming session though - the same reason, she loves being able to see our eyes properly.

We thought you might like this link here - - it's a post one of our pals in KL did a few months ago. We printed it out and shared it with our groomers and they now have it pinned up at their salon! It's quite funny!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Duke said...

You look beautiful with your new do, Penny, and we're sure it's keeping you a whole lot cooler!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Aragon greyhounds said...

Gosh I had forgotten about grooming dogs. I used to have Afghans but switched to greyhounds. What a wash and wear breed. All dogs bathed and groomed withing minutes. They self dry too.

Sue said...

PWDs have a unique haircut and it's very difficult to find groomers in this area who can do it correctly. We finally found one and she does an excellent job, but now Rob wants to learn to groom them, so they're looking a bit shaggy these days.

parlance said...

JD and Max, that's hilarious! I don't think I could make it as a groomer.

parlance said...

Maggie and Mitch, she did seem to have more energy straight after the haircut, but don't forget, it's winter here!

parlance said...

Sue, because PWDs' coats are so different, I can see it would take special skills to groom them.

parlance said...

Aragon, greyhounds are wonderful looking dogs. It must be a special bonus not to have to do the grooming. On the other hand, I do love brushing Penny.

i said...

Looking really pretty, Penny. You have such lovely eyes.

parlance said...

Thanks, Happy. It's a bit of a strange photo, but I love seeing her eyes. I think she wasn't too happy about the camera pointing at her.