Saturday 27 November 2010

just a walk in the park

This sign doesn't scare us these days, lol.

Because Penny has to walk on lead everywhere we go, we're discovering places we wouldn't have gone in the past. Today we went to the park around Fairfield Boathouse.

First we walked down the asphalt path to the Pipe Bridge. Penny did a little self-therapy on the way, doing her 'paws up' exercise as she checked out the grass above the path.

And then down the hill to the bridge.

The bridge was so straight, so devoid of interesting smells, that Penny walked steadily forward for the whole length, which is exactly the sort of walking she needs to do to strengthen her leg muscles.

The path at the end had puddles to walk in and grass to munch on.

All in all, a good walk for both human and canine.

And I note, from this old photo, that Penny's not the first dog to enjoy the bridge.


Slavenka said...

In our park only the owners of small breeds respects this sign.

Duke said...

What a pretty walk and what a super cool bridge, Penny!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

parlance said...

Slavenka, I guess the owners of small breeds want their dogs to be safe.

parlance said...

Maggie and Mitch, the building of this bridge might have been like building a barn!