Saturday 3 November 2012

a gorgeously groomed dog

Who is this lovely canine living with us?

Could it be the same Penny who used to look like this?

What a beautiful job the groomer has done - and it was all scissor-work, too, because I don't think Penny likes the clippers.


Lilli said...

What a beauty :)


Duke said...

You are a beautiful girl, Penny!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Mary said...

I hear that clippers can give dogs a rash and leave them in pain. Good choice to use scissors. She looks gorgeous.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Lookin good there Penny! Great haircut!

parlance said...

Thanks, Mitch and Molly, Benjie and Lassie, and Lilli. She's still looking quite good, but a walk in a super muddy puddle yesterday has changed her look quite a bit, lol.


Slavenka said...

Really nice job the groomer has done.

parlance said...

Thanks, Slavenka.