Saturday 9 February 2013

Penny Grinz

Just a silly picture!

Penny with the Grinz treat ball I bought at the Pet Expo.


Slavenka said...

Penny is hilarious . Great photo,Parlance.

Duke said...

You are too funny, Penny! haha
Thank you for the much-needed laugh!

Mary said...

It makes me laugh! I wonder if she thinks we are all silly when we look and laugh.

Kari in Alaska said...

That cracked me up

Stop on by for a visit

parlance said...

Mary, I think she reckons we're silly all the time. After all, she's trained us to take her in and out when she wishes, go for walks, give her food...

parlance said...

Slavenka, Mitch and Molly, and Kari, I'm glad the picture made you food good!

Margarita said...

Ha-ha, that's so funny! Hollywood smile :-)

Sue said...

My, what big teeth you have!

parlance said...

Margarita and Sue, I guess Penny doesn't think it's anything special - merely another treat-filled ball. But to me it's just hilarious.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Love the picture of Penny with the smile ball! So cute.

parlance said...

Lassie and Benjie, it's a cute ball, that's for sure. And the good thing, as far as Penny's concerned, is that it's a TREAT ball!