Thursday 16 May 2013

who is Alfie the dog?

I've just added a new blog to my list of must-reads. It's called Alfie Dog and it seems to be a great place to download single short stories.

I wonder why it's called after a dog?

While I was rummaging through the site, trying to find the answer to that question (which I didn't find), I discovered there is an offer of a free download of seven stories. I'll go over there and get the stories after I finish writing this post.

And as to why I'm sort of off-topic for Penny's blog... it's  because I'm expecting one of my short stories to be published there soon! Of course there's a dog in my story - but it's not Penny.

I'll have to try to think of a story featuring Penny. But it wouldn't be a whole book, as Hsin-Yi is doing about Honey the Great Dane.


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Hope you get that short story published!

parlance said...

Thanks, Lassie and Benjie. I know you'll both be woofing for me.

Duke said...

How exciting for you! We can't wait to hear more about it! We'll be heading over to Alfie's blog. Thank you for telling us!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

parlance said...

Mitch and Molly, I've discovered why it's called Alfie Dog! I'm going to write a short post about it right now.