Sunday 7 August 2016

Penny the super duper vet client

Penny needed x-rays to figure out what is going on with her awful limping. It felt bad last Friday to give her no breakfast, but of course, if she was going to be sedated for the x-rays, we had to do it.

But what do you know? When we picked her up the vet told us she was such an amazing client that he didn't even need to sedate her, because she lay so super still in each position.

What a champion.

Well, the results were inconclusive. No obvious spinal problems. Maybe some disk change.

It's all a worry, but at the moment she's walking well and seems happy. We're just going on short strolls rather than our usual walks, but that's okay, as long as she's getting better.

I'm going to check out another swimming place, because our usual one is closed for pool cleaning in August.


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Hope you manage to get some answers soon. What a worry. Super girl Penny though, she must have been really still!

Thank you for your comments on Ludo's blog recently. It means a lot.

Duke said...

We hope you continue to get better, Penny!

parlance said...

Dee, it's wonderful to know you're keeping an eye on Penny's blog. I feel so, so sad for your loss and couldn't even open the internet for days. But I know Ludo had a wonderful life and you must have beautiful memories.

parlance said...

Molly and Mackie, thanks for your good wishes. It means a lot to me. I know your family knows what it is to worry about our dogs' health.