Tuesday 15 March 2022

 Just a quick update on Peppa to keep this  blog alive. She's had ongoing issues with her eyes, but a couple of courses of medications seem to have settled the problems for now, and keeping up with the facial grooming helps. 

We're bemoaning the fact that she's not well-trained, and today I thought, 'Well, whose fault is that?' So off on a short training walk in the street, with lots of high-value rewards. She was great. She does get a walk every day, unless the weather is really against us, so it's not as if she doesn't get lots of stimulation. But sometimes it can be easier to let her just roam at the end of the lead. Lazy humans!

In general, she's a delight. If you don't mind sock-stealing... 

As you can see, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth:


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

when I was training Levi I let him walk freely on his leash going out but coming back home I had him do standard dog commands and exercises. It was a great balance for both of us and he learned well.

Sorry about Peppa's eyes!

Duke said...

You are so cute, Peppa, and we are happy that the meds are helping with your eye issues. Training is a daily thing and it's easy for the hoomans to get lazy with it. Better for us, right☺

parlance said...

That suggestion re Levi hits the spot for me! Thanks. I think it will work.

parlance said...

Molly, thanks for the visit to our blog. I'm coming over now to see what you've been up to.