Monday 10 September 2007

looking after Darebin Parklands

Penny eagerly followed me around the house as I did the usual pre-walk things; put on the old clothes; tied up the laces of my walking boots; and put the cloth bag on my shoulder. But, alas, she wasn't going with me. I was heading off to do a bit of weeding in one of the loveliest parts of Darebin Parklands, the Hidden Valley.

There were three of us weeding; it was great to see that even though many of the young plants from last year were overgrown with weeds, they were still struggling on. Some of the weeks were nearly shoulder height but we yanked and pulled and cleared around each young Aussie native.

After I got home I took Penny back to the park to see what we had achieved, even without her help. Well, actually, I was showing off to my sister. Penny had to stay on lead in this section of the park because it is on the Banyule side, where off-lead walking is not allowed.

Penny enjoyed sniffing around the lovely scented native mints that are doing so well.
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And she soon discovered a poor suffering wattle seedling that was still buried under weeds. 
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So we rescued it.
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