Saturday 15 December 2007

even more about home-made dog toys

Seeing Penny enjoyed the cylinder toy I described yesterday, I went to the hardware shop to see what I could find to make more interactive toys. I picked up a few sections of pvc water-pipe and just pushed them together when I got home.

After I popped a ball in it, Penny was raring to go. She loved it.

I bought another piece, which I will join on with a bit of straight pipe to make it more interesting.


  1. OMdoG, that's such a brilliant idea! Why haven't my mommy thought of that...? She's dumb I guess... I think I'll get fixated trying the get mah ball outta there.

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  2. Thank you fow that idea it's bwilliant..I'm going to ask Mommi to make me one
    smoochie kisses

  3. WOW! What a great idea. Penny will have many hours of problem solving to occupy her. Easy to see you were a primary teacher - always innovative with lots of creative ideas.

  4. Amber-Mae, I think you must be very busy with your OB and agility work and maybe you don't have as much time as Penny to play with things like this. I just decided to start making toys because I feel that some days I do't' play with her enough.

  5. Asta, thanks for visiting. I loved your quote at the top of your own blog that 'a tired dog is a good dog'. I also think that a tired dog is a happy dog.

    I shed a tear when I read your poem about the forgotten dog at Christmas. It is so, so sad when people buy living creatures as presents without thinking through the consequences. Johann, over at Johann the Dog, wrote about a sad but true personal experience on 13 December. It was awful to read but it makes us all realise we have to work to teach others how special and important each life is, be it human or another species.

  6. Jabari, as your mum knows, being a teacher herself, we are always trying to think of something new. Never satisfied,,,

  7. Hi there,
    That dog looks like she has been swimming and needs a brushing! I am holidaying in Spain and see lots of dogs in the city where people are walking around slowly, browsing the shops. Some are on lead but many are not. They stay close to their people and seem well behaved. It is strange to see so many dogs just wandering in the vicinity of their people. Penny looks like she is having fun.

  8. Hello, Mary.
    Indeed, that dog had been swimming!! Good guess. She says hello and hopes Spain is treating you well.
    When you see her you will be amazed at how beautiful she looks after her grooming. Unless she swims again...

  9. you people are weird pretending to be dogs.

  10. Anonymous, thanks for visiting. Don't be stressed about people pretending to be dogs, it's just a literary convention, lol. It's fun.
