Saturday 21 February 2009

swimming in Darebin Parklands

Penny and I took a break from sadness and stress yesterday afternoon and tried out the Darebin Creek. Although there are weeds choking some areas and the level is low, the water actually looked okay. Well, Penny obviously thought so.

Of course, the object of any swim is to fetch a ball.

And when you come out you have to be very focused and ready to leap after the other ball in your human's hand.

Then it was time for another ball-game, this time on land.

And finally, we headed off into the sunset.


  1. Hi Parlance...Teddy and I live on a lake, perhaps it's really a retention pond...I have only seen ducks and turtles in it for the past few months. I wonder if Teddy could swim in it? I am also wondering how you keep her hair so pretty when she swims, must take a lot of baths and brushing afterwards?? Looked like great fun though!

  2. Penny!

    You sure like to swim, eh? I LOVE the pictures! I wish I could join you in your fun! Unfortunately it's winter here and all the water is freezing... I can't wait 'till summer time...

    I hope you have a grrrrEAT weekend,


  3. Teddy, for some reason Penny's coat seems to fall back into place after she swims. But we do groom her a lot - I reckon it's because we've read the magazine articles about how grooming a dog brings down the human's blood pressure.

  4. Wow! That looked so soooper fun! I wish I was there joining in all the fun! Looked like you had a great time...

    Butt sniffs,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  5. But Sparky, you get to run on ice and snow! That sounds like great fun.

  6. Amber-Mae, we did have fun! I hope you are still able to enjoy swimming now that you are pregnant.

  7. I loved the pictures of Penny swimming, she sure has fun. Have the forcasters given you any hope of rain or relif of any kind? It is awful that it is so hot the wildlife has to move on. When things get back to normal they'll be back won't they? I sure hope so.

    Sharon (Rusty's mom)

  8. Sharon, I feel bad to have to tell you this, and I thought about whether to tell you. But the fact is, the fires have been likened to five atomic bombs. The animal shelters and the vets and the wildlife rescuers prepared, but the animals just didn't come in - because they were dead.
    These fires were horrific.
    Perhaps I shouldn't have told you... sorry...

  9. Sharon, I just realised you were talking about the animals in our own backyard. Sorry for giving you unnecessary awful info about the fires...

    Good news on the home front! My sister has just come in and said Penny is out eating possum poo! The possum or possums must be in our apple tree - and it's welcome to as many apples as it needs.
