Wednesday 8 April 2009

clicker training for dogs - video

Here's a lovely clicker training video that was a finalist at the Canis film Festival, It's by Peta Clarke, an Aussie. It's called "the Rules of Love".

Jenny Pearce from A Perfect Spot training sent me the link. I've had lots of fun doing classes with Jenny, including agility, tricks and tracking. I'm hoping she'll be doing trackingagain this winter!

The Canis film festival
is designed to showcase innovative, highly–communicative, short videos on animal training. These videos help educate pet owners and professionals who work with animals—dogs, cats, horses, rats, birds, llamas, and more.

Here's a link to the winners.

By the way, did you notice the free e-book, Basic Manners for the Family Dog, on the site of the Peta Clarke video? I downloaded it and it looks good.

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