Thursday 2 April 2009

dogs and cats still being rescued from the Victorian bushfires

Tonight at training with Penny, at K9 Kompany, I heard a lovely story. (K9 Kompany is the dog training component of Coldstream Animal Shelter.

A dog the shelter people nicknamed Happy has been reunited with his family - from Kinglake, I think. The humans have been in intensive care in the hospital but are now out, and Happy is recovering from burnt paws. I think he will have to wear his little protective boots for six weeks, or maybe it was six months.

But... here comes the amazing part... the family's cat has just been brought in to the Coldstream shelter. Thank goodness for micro chipping, which has reunited one more member of this distressed family.

Pets are still being found, nearly two months after the main fires. Some, for instance, hid down wombat holes during the fires and are just now coming out of hiding.

It is a moving experience to read through the updates from the Shelter about the ways in which they are still helping animals recover from the fires. I particularly loved the excited post on the day they trapped Stardust the cat in Marysville.

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