Saturday 4 April 2009

dogs and YouTube and dogs with blogs

We all love putting up movies of our dogs. And we all love funny video clips.

I guess that's the statistic behind this joke I received from 'The Friday Funnies' yesterday.

"A new study from the Centers for Disease Control says that
tripping over your pets causes over 86,000 serious injuries
each year. Worse — only 30 percent of those make it to
YouTube." -Jimmy Fallon

Which reminds me of one of my all-time favorite dog jokes, a guy looking down at his worried-looking pup and saying, 'I got you so I could talk endlessly to other people about the things you do. Don't let me down.'

I've got the joke pined up above my desk so I can remember why I blog.


  1. Gussie, I guess we're all frustrated performers, so we let out dogs do it for us.
