Saturday 23 May 2009

food motivation for dog training

Penny always checks out any bags I bring into the house - I think she reckons I'm a wonderful hunter-gatherer, because I so often come in with dog-friendly goodies. Today she was especially interested in the big bag of dog biscuits I had bought at Murphy Brothers in Hawthorn. They were in a sealed plastic bag, but that didn't seem to interfere with the wonderful smell.

When I took a biscuit out, Penny began offering all sorts of behaviours in an attempt to coax me into giving it to her.

It's not like her to be so quick in her behaviours, so we couldn't resist making a short video clip. First she stood up on her hind legs and then she tried some backing, but when I didn't react she figured out she should wait for a hand signal.

I've never seen her so quick! These biscuits must taste wonderful.


  1. That's one motivated dog! Who needs a broom with a wagging tail like that? Must be good biscuits.

  2. Yep, there was one clean spot on the floor afterwards, lol.

  3. Wow! You roll fast, Penny! Mom has tried repeatedly to try to teach me to roll over but nope, I flat out refuse! You can't teach this old girl any new tricks!
    She needs to spend more time with Mitch! He'd get it right! He's a big goof!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Maggie, I'm sure if you had these particular biscuits, you'd be rolling all over the floor.

  5. OMG! That was so funny! Penny, that biscuit must be sooo delish you couldn't help it huh? You were soooper quick gal! Hahaha!!! I usually will become like that too but I don't do it in an instant like you did in this video. We hope you got the biscuit in the end after all that hard work!

    Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies

  6. Amber-Mae, I've seen so many clips of you doing excellent work that I've been jealous of how quick and clever you are, so I was thrilled that for once I could show Penny being outstanding.

    BTW, she got the bicsuit.

    I hope motherhood is still agreeing with you.

  7. Hi Parlance...I showed Teddy Pennys cute video...he watched it twice both times listening closely to her asking for the bisquit!!...we both enjoyed it!...loved the way she scoots backwards...Did she learn that in your dancing class?? Tina & Teddy

  8. Tina, Penny did learn that move at dance class. She thinks it's a good one for any situation. First, try a sit. If that doesn't achieve what you want, try backing away. Pretty much everyone thinks it's cute and gives you a treat, she reckons. A winner.
