Thursday 13 August 2009

dogs make us feel relaxed

Sometimes the picture tells the story.


  1. Teddy and I LOVE...LOVE..LOVE that picture!!!

  2. awwwwwwwwwwww, what a sweet picture! Pleasant dreams!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. Hi you two - what a great photo - no words necessary! You two have a lovely bond - it's so nice to see!

    Hey, our human forgot to come back about Max's sci-fi name! Yes, it does come from Obsidian Order from DS9. Our female human started calling him Maxidian as she liked the sound of it - she used to watch DS9 years ago so obviously this was a throw-back that she didn't realise about. It was our male human who added the 'order' bit to the end - our female human didn't know why to begin with, but now does!

    Hey - we also forgot to mention another of Max's nicknames and that's 'karate pup'! This is because one of the most common comments in our household is 'Max! OFF!' Which is usually followed by a giggle and the phrase 'Max ON! Max OFF!' after that now rather famous karate kid catchphrase of 'wax on - wax off'!

    In the meantime JD is perfectly happy simply being 'JD' - he just says 'meh - whatever!' - and has another snooze - he he he!

    Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

  4. Teddy, it's a gift you dogs have - when we're feeling down, the soft warmth of your furry heartbeat is very calming.

  5. Maggie and Mitch, the human was dreaming of fun times and Penny was probably dreaming of food.

  6. Schnauzer Brothers, I love "karate dog". Penny was at one stage known as The Flying Carpet - she hit my visiting brother at chest level one time, but luckily he was sitting down.

  7. Aw...that is just the most gorgeous photo!! Almost makes me wish we'd decided to let Honey onto the furniture...but on the other hand, if she stretches in the wrong direction, that could be a black eye!! :-)


  8. oh Parlance this is so cute,nice ,sweet ....pic .
    p.s. I have the same with O&N :)))

  9. Slavenka, it's great to relax with them, isn't it?

  10. Honey, Penny's not allowed on the furniture in general, but this was on holidays, in a window seat that is usually her special place for looking out for the cat next door, so in a way I was on HER furniture.

  11. Aah...a picture certainly says a thousand words. In Penny's case it seems to be all zzzzz...LOL! Penny sure look so peaceful there. Think I'll go have a nap now.

  12. Of, course, Happy, the other main thing our dogs do is make us HAPPY.

  13. Ahhhh. Yes, indeed, to all the good things dogs make us feel. What a lovely photo.

  14. Curator, I think it's a lovely photo, too. I think just for once I might print out a hard-copy of it to keep and look at when I'm losing the plot regarding stress levels.

  15. Hi,

    Awwww you're so sweet. I love the photo. It's true our dogs make us feel relaxed. Dogs also make us happy and sad as well if something happens to them. Generally, they are the charm in our life. For some Facebook fun tied to a feel-good cause to help dogs, check out Save a Dog:

    Thanks for the support. More power!

