Wednesday 23 September 2009

flyball at the Royal Melbourne Show

Penny's going to take part in a flyball demo at the Show tomorrow evening! As far as I know, we're only expected to do what a beginner can do, which hopefully won't be too demanding.

But the big issue has been the purchase of a crate, in case Penny needs to be in it whilst waiting her turn.

What a business it turned out to be! The first crate I bought was not only huge, but had a manufacturing defect, so that one went back to the shop.

Then I bought another, online - too small! (The problem of what to do with that one will have to wait.)

And finally, another crate - it looked enormous, but when Penny stretched out inside, it only allowed a small amount at each end, so I don't think we could have gone smaller.

The great thing is that she moved in happily, as soon as I tossed some of her toys inside, and almost immediately went to sleep in there - I left the door open.

Anyway, she's happy and we're happy, so I guess we've just got to hope she's used to it by tomorrow night!


Duke said...

Mitch and I have always loved our crates, even though they have been put away now. Good luck at your flyball demo, Penny!
Mom doesn't really have a recipe for the potato salad. She normally boils about 7-8 potatoes and adds 5-6 hard boiled eggs (cooled) and 4-5 stalks of celery and about 1 teaspoon of vinegar and toss the whole thing together with mayonnaise. We're guessing it's about 1/2 cup of mayonnaise but it depends on how dry or creamy you like it. Oh yes, salt and pepper to taste!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

parlance said...

Maggie and Mitch, tell your mum thanks for the recipe!!