Wednesday 21 October 2009

renovations to the pond in Darebin Parklands

Well, after more than a year of arguments, meetings, discussions, demonstrations, rallies, it has finally started - the redevelopment that will ban Penny and her mates from the traditional dog swimming pond in Darebin Parklands. As far as I know, the pond was originally edged with giant rocks so dogs wouldn't destroy the banks as they went into the lovely deep water.

Here are a couple of shots of Penny enjoying her favorite swimming hole.

Usually the water was just at a good height for jumping in, but on one occasion there was a flood and even the rocky bank was under the swirling waves.

It made me feel sad to see the machines moving in and the non-native trees being removed.

And those lovely rocks, on which we've had so much fun, dug out.

Let's hope the sacrifice is worth it, and that the creek's water quality is improved by the works that are taking place. Water is the land's life blood, as we remember every summer - we have to value anything that improves the ability of our waterways to stay healthy.

Time will tell...


  1. That pool is great for dogs to swim in, it usually has enough water to actually swim, unlike the rest of the park where low water doesn't allow enough depth for swimming. It is also one of the only clear spots near the water where you can be reasonably sure you will see any snakes. This is a vital thing for both dogs and humans. Let's hope that a safe and useful spot for dog swimming is quickly negotiated.
    As the weather is starting to warm up, it will be vital to have somewhere for the dogs to safely drink (depending on pollution) and to cool down.

  2. Hi Penny - wow, you sure like swimming, we're impressed with your athletic prowess! We especially liked the 'splosh!' picture! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

  3. Mary, you're right about its being the best spot to swim. I sure hope they come up with something that doesn't put us in danger of being bitten by snakes. Vegetation is all very well, but I like to see where I'm putting my feet!

  4. JD and Max, Penny LOVES swimming! I feel sure there must be a poodle (puddle dog!) in her ancestry.

  5. Ugh. I fail to see how that's "improving" anything. What are dogs supposed to do to enjoy themselves? I surely hope you and Penny find another pleasant place to play that they will not take away.

  6. Curator, I didn't explain very well, I realise. I'm terribly disappointed that we can't swim there, and I argued mightily against it, but I have to acknowledge the opposite point of view, that the dogs were degrading the creek banks.

  7. Oh! Our dog simply loves swimming in that waterhole, and I had no idea until this evening that there were plans to ban dogs from swimming there (we're not from Darebin). We spent a wonderful couple of ours with our dog there just today; he almost bursts out of his skin with joy whenever he can leap off the rocks into the water.

    It's good for human health too - nothing puts a smile on my face like a happy dog!

    I think I'm just going to plead ignorance if we get challenged in the meantime and I hope the council reverses this decision soon ...

  8. Juddie, I think you are okay to swim there so far, as nothing official has happened in the last year. I think it's still under discussion till an equally good spot is prepared for the dogs. There's a small representative committee working on it.
