Tuesday 22 December 2009

canine freestyle teacher coming to Australia

Richard Curtis, canine freestyle instructor from the UK, is coming to Australia next year, and Penny and I have booked in for his seminar. I'm excited and nervous already, so I don't know how I'll be feeling by next April, when he'll be in Melbourne.

Hsin-Yi, if you are reading this, he'll be in Brisbane in April also!

Penny and I Haven't been working on our doggy dancing lately, so we'll have to start practising! We danced around the kitchen the other night and I was excited to realise Penny has remembered it all. Of course, our problem is the human part of the duo, who is basically clumsy and uncoordinated, but I hope we will still have lots of fun at the seminar.


  1. Thanks so much for thinking of me & Honey and telling me (several times!) about Richard Curtis's visit! That was so kind and thoughtful of you. I'm so sorry - I've been meaning to reply to you about this but things have just been so hectic in the past few weeks that emails & blog stuff have been pushed way to the bottom of the list!

    Yes, I do know Richard Curtis very well - he is one of my heros! I actually interviewed him for an article I wrote a couple of years ago for one of my UK dog magazines...he is lovely and so helpful and in particular, really champions "alternative" dog breeds for doing freestyle, unlike many freestyle trainers who tend to favour "traditional working type breeds" and isn't always very understanding of the challenges of working with a non-traditional breed! :-) He is a fantastic teacher - everyone loves his workshops.

    Yes, we've booked to go to the Brisbane one and we were actually planning also to come to the Melbourne one as I am very friendly with the lady who runs Melbourne Canine Freestyle and she has kindly invited me & Honey to go and stay at her house and attend the workshop. I was quite up for it - but am not so sure now having done the "travel" thing with Honey - mainly because of her crate! We had a nightmare getting it home from the airport here and had to hire a van - it is massive and weighs at least 50g - so I'm not sure how I can manage on my own if I take Honey to Melbourne. It will also be very expensive for just a weekend...but we would really love to go and meet so many "cyber-friends" (maybe including you too?!) in person - so I will have to think about it.

    Anyway, thanks so much again for thinking of us!

  2. Hsin-Yi, I thought you would know about it, but was a teensy bit worried that with all the travel stress you might have missed the information.

    It would be great to catch up in reality if you come to Melbourne.

  3. Wow, that's really exciting! Reading about your plans and all makes me feel excited for you guys too.

    Penny, make sure you dazzle Richard Curtis with all your moves!

  4. Hi Parlance and Penny!
    We wish both of you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and good luck and fun with the doggie-dancing. :)

    Here is my Christas card for all my doggie-blog-friends.

    Slobbers Teal'c

  5. Happy, Penny might dazzle with her moves, but her human won't!

  6. Master Teal'c, someone in your family knows how to do beautiful graphics. What a lovely card.
