Thursday 28 January 2010

more about the flyball competition on Australia Day

When Penny and I competed in the Australia Day flyball competition last Tuesday, some other members of the club took photos, and they've been kind enough to let me post them here.

Here we are waiting with our team.

Well, I was ready and raring to go, but Penny decided to have a sit down and a rest.

She obligingly set off over the jumps when I pointed out there was a tennis ball at the other end. But once she got down there she visited a few people in the crowd to see whether they had something for her in the way of pats or treats. After a while she noticed I was at the other end screaming and going red in the face, so she wandered back the long way, around the jumps.

I guess we're never going to be flyball champions. Luckily, we joined a club whose motto is, 'We run for fun'.

But later she did amble over the jumps and saunter back over them with the ball. At least it was a clean run, as they say, even if not fast.


  1. Awwwwww not to worry Penny. You did far better than we would ever do. It's all about having a good time and it looks like you both did.

    Happy belated Australia Day.

    Noah Willow Tess Lucy

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Noah, we did have a lovely time. But tiring! we set off at 5:30 am and got home at 7:30 pm, and it was only twenty minutes from home.

  4. I lost a comment! I accidentally clicked away a comment - from Happy, I think. I'm sorry about that.

    I was clicking away a comment that told me I could win $25,750 and the other comment disappeared with it! I'm such a cynic, I guess, but I don't think I was going to win the big blogging prize.

  5. Hi again
    The Leuradales often eat tinned tomatoes. We also give them grilled tomatoes that our B&B guests dont eat. Tess & Willow really like them, Lucy will eat them cause the others are and Noah, well he just doesnt like them full stop.

  6. Thanks for that info, Noah and friends. I'll have to think about adding tomatoes to Penny's diet.

  7. Hi Penny and Parlance,

    Drop by the Pet Museum - there's an award there for you!

  8. Flyball looks like SO much fun. Penny looks happy in that last shot, flying over the jump with that ball in her mouth.


  9. Aphasia Decoder, it's lovely to hear from you! Your blog is inspirational and I've missed your posts. I'm glad you're back.

  10. I love that final pic. Go Penny! It's all about loving the sport, not the glory. So I tell myself at all those agility shows. :-)

  11. Gussie, as long as she seems to like it we'll keep going. It remains to be seen how she settles to it.
