Monday 21 June 2010

nightime adventures and the delicious smell of rotting rabbit meat

Why wasn't I suspicious when Penny came inside before I did, tonight?

We'd gone out to enjoy the chilly night air while she 'relieved' herself and I took my camera and tripod to see if I could get a picture of the possum that was in the tree last night.

While I was fiddling around, getting a stiff neck and trying to do long exposures on the camera in the dark, she went inside. How sweet, I thought, she's turning into a softie and can't take the cold. I finally gave up on clever exposures and took a couple of flash photos, thinking of Penny snug inside the house.

And then I returned to the kitchen...

And then I smelled a smell...

And then I recalled that Penny had been sniffing around the edge of the nasturtiums while I was playing wildlife photographer...

And finally I recalled that she had buried part of her meal of raw rabbit carcass - last Saturday.

The rabbit was in her stomach by the time I came inside, but the aroma was still available for anyone with a working nose.


  1. UGH! Although I'll bet Penny thought she smelled wonderful! :-)

    Those are amazing pictures you got of the possum! Even with the flash! I can never get anything but a blur - it's so dark outside our house and the possum sits quite high up on the telephone cables - so my camera just can't focus in the total darkness!

    ps. thank you so much for coming over to re-post your comment on my blog - that's really kind of you! :-)

  2. Oh Penny! How did she manage to look so innocent in the picture? LOL!

    Where did she get the rabbit from? She hunted it?

  3. Ha ,ha it was a funny post with nice photos.

  4. Hsin-Yi, I got the camera to focus in the dark by shining a torch on the possum until just before the shutter clicked, thus giving the camera something to focus on. You should see how many blurry, pitch dark photos I got! But as you see, I did get a couple that worked.

  5. Serendipity, we got the rabbit from the butcher because we're lucky that our butcher gets wild rabbits and sells them quite cheap.

  6. Slavenka, the possums are gorgeous, so I've been trying to get pictures of them for ages, and at last I've succeeded.
