Saturday 21 August 2010

our dogs teach us to see how special ordinary places can be

Building on yesterday's success in taking Penny to a place where there are no other dogs, I put her in the car today and simply drove off to have a look around. I had the idea of going to a quiet on-lead path near a creek, so I pulled up and lifted her out.

To a human it was a rather ordinary, if not, horrible, place.

Except for the gorgeous street art...

As usual, Penny showed me that every place can be interesting, if you just stop to smell the flowers.

Some spots required quite intense sniffing.

The good thing about it was that she was walking slowly, which the physiotherapist says is important if we are to build up the strength around her possibly injured cruciate ligament. (I always say 'possibly', because my gut still tells me to doubt the diagnosis.)


  1. Parlance, I love some of the street art, not that it is on my fence or wall, but don't much like the tagging. It seems much less creative and more like vandalism. Melbourne is famous for its street art.

  2. Good for you getting to take your time and sniff away, Penny!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. Hi! So lovely to see a comment from you. I've been swamped lately so I hardly have time for comments, but I hadn't seen you in a while and wanted to catch up. Poor Penny's knee! I loved the ramp post and video because it's the proper way to do it. As for walking, it sounds everybody's going to be in good shape along with Penny. I hope I don't forget to stop by to see the underwater treadmill post!
    Have a lovely recovery and tell your parents not to feel so bad. My mom has to carry our 60lbs dog up and down stairs...

  4. It's so nice to see Penny in a walk.

  5. Good to see she took the walk slowly. Baby steps are important.

    Noah x

  6. Anonymous (aha! I think I know who you are...) street art can be beautiful, though I agree with the NIMBY idea (Not In My Back Yard).

  7. Maggie and Mitch, and Slavenka, and Noah, thanks for the encouragement. Let's hope those slow, baby steps do the trick.

  8. Omydog! Twinkie... a 60 lb dog. My mind is reeling.

  9. We were sorry to hear about Penny's injury. It looks like she enjoyed her walk and is taking it easy. Hope she's soon feeling much better.
    Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

  10. Thanks, Sue. It's been a long time worrying about this injury, but hopefully we'll get it sorted.
