Sunday 26 September 2010

a dog supervises the gardening

It's been beautiful weather here in Melbourne today and I headed out to the garden to work. And I took Penny with me.

She lay in the shade near the garden bed and watched me pull out (oops! I meant, harvest) the weeds.

Penny was on her new Snooza Orthobed, which is advertised as being good for older dogs, or dogs who have had surgery. Who could resist? The amazing thing was that as I carried it into the house from the car when I bought it last week, she was nudging me and following me and as I dropped it she walked onto it and lay down - before I could even tear off the label.

The advertising says:
Perfect for older pets who have trouble getting in & out of kennels or baskets. The low profile convoluted (egg carton shaped) foam provides the ultimate comfort for post surgery, older pets or those with hip ailments. The removable hidden zippered cover is washable with a sturdy polyester drill back & a cosy mock lambswool top. Lightweight & portable - you will travel easily with this bed.
I could certainly recommend it so far.

Anyway, Penny kept an eye on me and on the neighbourhood. She checked out my method of 'harvesting' the weeds and throwing them down as mulch - the weeds that don't have seedheads, of course.

And she found an interesting stick to take inside as a souvenir.


  1. I have a bed very much like yours, Penny, and I LOVE it! When it first came in the mail, mom barely had it out of the box and I was on top of it. I knew it was for me because mom told me so and I'm very impatient!

    Love ya lots

  2. Maggie, it was so strange! I wondered if they put a smell on the bed. Penny leaped onto it and is on it most of the time.

  3. What a great looking bed!

    Guess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at

    We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  4. Oskar, what a great idea! I've become a follower.

  5. Glad to see that Penny seems to be recovering so well!

    Gosh - those Snooza beds - we tried getting one for Honey (and paid a LOT of money for the XXXL size!) when she was younger on recommendation of the vet - to try and cushion her joints and give her the best chance against arthritis...well, she refused to sleep on it! Blasted dog! :-) She insists on sleeping on her beanbag and nothing else - I think she is so used to the "beany" feeling of her bed now that she doesn't like any other kind of bed. So in the end, we gave up and had to give the very expensive ortho bed away to the local SPCA shelter! Well, at least hopefully some homeless dogs are enjoying the bed! :-)


  6. That does look like a very fine bed. How nice to know it gives Penny such good comfort!

  7. Oh, Honey! I'm sorry the humans wasted money buying that bed, but it's your choice, after all. And I think your humans are like me in wanting dogs to have choices in life, in order to enhance their intelligence. You know, it's rather funny, but the Snooza company has a sideline where you can send back a bed that you are finished with and they will repair it and give it to shelter. I guess you just short-circuited the whole process.

  8. Curator, when we have to see our dogs limited in their activity, in a way they can't understand, it's at least good to have a great comfortable bed.
