Wednesday 8 September 2010

Penny's limp was a partial cruciate tear

At last we have had a definite diagnosis of Penny's lameness - and an operation on the same day!

Here she is, sad and sorry but finally on the way to recovery, after an operation to repair a partial tear in her cruciate.

We've agonised about what to do, for weeks. In one way, I feel sad that Penny has been in discomfort, if not pain, as we researched, discussed, visited a variety of specialists, and finally came to a decision.

However... we were originally booked for Penny to have a TWO, an operation somewhat like a TPLO, involving the cutting of her leg bone. But today the specialist told us that over the last few months there has been research from the US suggesting that the traditional, less invasive cruciate repair gives just as good recovery for dogs of Penny's size. So, while we have been thinking it over, so have the experts.

Here's hoping for a steady but successful recovery.


  1. I am so glad that she is home with you and ok. Her cast is adorable though! She will be back romping around in no time!

  2. You look so defeated, Penny! Soon you will be up and about and so glad that this is all behind you!
    We are sending you LOTS of AireZen!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. Take it easy, Penny. Speedy recovery now!

  4. Hound Girl, Maggie and Mitch and Serendipity, thanks for the good wishes. Now I will soon be around to visit your blogs more regularly - it's funny, but when Penny was in pain I just didn't feel like going around to see what all the other dogs were doing. It was a long, depressing wait to get a definite diagnosis.
