Thursday 18 November 2010

a rescue of a dog swimming out to sea

Penny loves the water. It's great to see her swimming around in the waves when we go to the beach or the river, a pool or a creek.

However, I'm glad she's never headed four kilometres out to sea to play with a sea lion, like this dog did.

I'm glad the story had a happy ending! It amazes me that the rescuers were able to find one little dog in the huge, huge sea.


  1. I get worried when their are ducks and cranes that haylie will swin after them but she seems to know her limits so far :)

  2. Hound Girl, I guess Haylie has more sense than we humans might give her credit for, lol.

  3. I can't believe that they found the dog 4 km out to sea, how did they know exactly where to go??

  4. Mary, it's amazing! I guess it should give us confidence that if we swim out to sea (accidentally) they'll be able to find us...

  5. I don't like to swim, even though my breed is supposed to. Too much like baths for me! I'm glad that doggie is safe.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  6. Oh, Oskar, you don't know what you're missing out on!
