Friday 3 December 2010

twelve weeks after surgery!

Hooray! We've made it to the twelve-week mark after Penny's surgery. The surgeon said after this period we could 'start to return Penny to her usual activities' - whatever that means!

However, the physiotherapist says sixteen weeks is a safer length of time, so I'll go by her recommendation. When I look at this video of Penny walking in the underwater treadmill, I can see that she is still favoring her left rear leg.

So I guess it'll be a few more weeks of the treadmill and of staying on lead whevever she is out of the house. (However, I did let her walk beside me off-lead down a local lane today, because it is quiet and straight and not too interesting. It was so-o wonderful to have her walking free beside me.)

The vet nurse who supervises the treadmill says that the water takes seventy percent of the dog's weight, so the treadmill gives her a chance to walk steadily for fifteen minutes, and of course the warm water not only provides resistance and muscle-building capactiy, but it's also comforting for a sore or aching leg.


  1. This is just exciting news! I am so happy for yall! Haylie loved the underwater treadmill.

  2. Yay for Penny! And smart Parlance to give her 4 more weeks...Better safe than sorry I always say.

  3. You must be so excited! I can't imagine how difficult it must have been to keep her inactive for this time.

  4. Hooray! So glad you've reached this milestone! HOpe Penny's recovery continues well - that hydroptherapy really does seem to be like a brilliant help.

    Yes, I did see your post about that book! And yeah, I think I would have to agree about the "war on dogs" - although I don't know if it's just an Australian thing. I know that although I complain bitterly (probably because we were so spoilt back in NZ!) - there are far worse places in the world where dogs have NO facilities dedicated to them at all - so I should be grateful for what we've got! :-)


  5. It's nice to see that Penny is recovering well after surgery.

  6. You're coming along beautifully, Penny! You'll be running free before you know it.

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  7. Hi Penny and Penny-Mum! I have just spend an hour reading through your latest blog entries... I'm glad to read that you are on your way to recovery and that you get to check out new parks even if it is on the leash.
    My mum was really busy and wouldn't want to help me to keep in touch with all my bloggie friends but I think I'm back now! :)

    We also wanted to thank you guys for ordering one of the DCH Animal Adoptions calendars.

    Slobbers from Sydney
    Master T.

  8. Hound Girl, I couldn't say Penny actually liked the treadmill. But she liked the treats the vet nurse gave her, lol.

  9. Curator, you're right - better safe than sorry.

  10. Two Pitties, it hasn't been too hard, as Penny is quite placid.

  11. Teal'c, oops! I printed the order form out and put it in my 'to do' box. Now I'm going to send it tonight!

  12. Hsin-Yi, the hydrotherapy IS good. The vet nurse said the water takes 70% of the dog's weight, as well as being warm and comforting for pain, and it's a good workout to walk against the drag of the water.

  13. Thanks for the encouragement, Slavenka, and Maggie and Mitch.
