Sunday 13 February 2011

still playing doggy games

We're still refining our game, 'Find this one', in which I show Penny a toy and she has to go around the house looking for the matching one. It's fun and we don't have to reward her with food - just finding the toy makes her happy. By the way, when I say on the clip that the toy is 'in the toilet', that means the room, not the actual toilet bowl!


Tina & Teddy said...

That was fabulous! Good job Penny!...Looks like Teddy has some work ahead of him today... :)

Duke said...

It took you a couple of minutes but you found it! Good girl, Penny!
What a fun game!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Johann The Dog said...

How fun!!! We love find it games too :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!! What an ADVANCED game! Honey would NEVER be able to grasp that!! It boggles my mind even thinking that Penny can - what a clever dog she is! I'm lucky if Honey can actually make the effort to find anything when I give her the general term "toy"!! :-)


parlance said...

tina, I think this would be a fun indoor game on a winter's day.

parlance said...

Maggie an Mitch, it actually took even longer, but I thought I'd better edit out some of it, lol. I was pleased at how persistent Penny was.

parlance said...

Johann, I get many of my ideas from your great blog.

parlance said...

Hsin-Yi, thanks for the compliment for Penny. I still feel disappointed we can't pursue the hobbies we were into before her injury, so it's lovely to get your praise of what we are doing now.

Noah the Airedale said...

Nope nothing wrong. Just very very slack when it comes to the blog. Am lacking motivation I'm afraid....well D is !!!

Noah x

parlance said...

Noah, and family, I'm like that too. I love blogging but sometimes I just give myself permission to do other things instead, lol.
Glad there was nothing wrong over at your place.

Slavenka said...

Good job Penny!

parlance said...

Thanks, Slavenka!

Amber-Mae said...

It was very enjoyable to watch go search for the matching toy. Very impressive work. You have a good nose.

parlance said...

Thanks, Amber-Mae.