Thursday 24 March 2011

At Warringal Park and warnings about snakes

On an impulse, I drove Penny to Warringal Park the other day, because I wanted her to just mooch around rather than walk a distance. (She was still a little lame.)

To my pleasant surprise, we were greeted immediately by an old dog-walking friend and her dog, even though we haven't been there for years. Penny and I were both pleased to see them. Sadly, I heard that five dogs have been bitten by snakes recently when they ventured near the banks of the river. As I understand it, they are all alive, but one is still fighting for her life. I hope she makes it and returns to good health.

Before I heard this scary news, Penny and I had been down to the river - the danger spot! The water was, as usual, brown - it's not for nothing The Yarra is known as 'the upside-down river' with the mud on the top. Penny swam for sticks and then enjoyed guarding them.

Revisiting an old haunt required a lot of sniffing, of course.


  1. Oh dear, luckily Penny was not bitten by the snake too!

  2. Yes, Amber-Mae, I'm glad she wasn't bitten. I didn't take my eyes off her for a moment, so I wasn't very worried, but, on the other hand, a snake strike is very quick.
