Sunday 5 February 2012

dogs learn to swim the natural way

Hot days mean early walks, in a Melbourne summer. So we were out at Warringal Park by 8 am today. (That's the crack of dawn for us!) But it was already too hot - we stick to the rule that if it's over 26 celcius, it's unhealthy for Penny to walk. So, not too reluctantly, we abandoned exercise and headed down to the bend in the Yarra that has a nice little beach now that the water level is so low (probably because of the works down at the fish weir at Dights Falls).

It was peaceful.

And then two gorgeous young labs arrived with their humans. They were having great fun just along from us, wading into the river and fetching sticks.

Was it naughty of us to be having a little smile about the fact that they wouldn't go past their knees? Labrador retrievers, we said to ourselves - dogs who were bred to go out on the boats and help the humans with the fishing?

When we got talking to the humans, we discovered it was the dogs' second ever time near water, so that cast a different light on it. They were doing very well for their second visit.

And then they spotted Penny swimming for her lovely Whirl Wheel. (I haven't met a dog who didn't love this toy.)

And so they learned to swim!

First they walked deeper.

And then they bravely took the plunge. Their first swim!

Penny wasn't too impressed, because they were determined to get the toy, there were two of them, and their swimming technique involved lots of splashing!

Once Penny got back to shore, it was time for the humans to intervene to restore peace, and the newly-qualified swimmers headed for home, no doubt proud of themselves for this great step in their lives.

And Penny continued her swim.


  1. Thank you so much Penny for helping Barney & Olive learn to swim. We commented afterwards that they have a long way to go before they achieve a swimming style befitting if their breed (until then, it's rather energetic!). Until next time, enjoy your walks & swims!

  2. You look like you're having such fun, Penny. I'm glad that you had friends to join you even if they were major splashers!

    Love ya lots,

  3. Barney and Olive are lovely dogs and you're welcome!

  4. MItch, they had actually started to move beyond the splashing stage, even in this first swim.

  5. Hi Penny, it sure looks like you were having fun swimming. You must be really good at it. I'm glad you were there to encourage Barney and Olive and make new friends. I'm going to look up that whirly toy and see if I can get one!
    Rusty & Co.

  6. penny was a good example for them... perhaps it was a matter of 'must learn' so they can accompany penny on her next interstellar adventure!!

  7. Rusty and Co, Penny is actually a good swimmer, though I must confess we were a teensy bit concerned that she might get sunk by all the fun and games around her. But it was all fine in the end and I think they all had a good time.

  8. proud womon, I think those two would be game for any adventure!

  9. If only we were closer, then Penny could encourage my Niki to.

  10. Slavenka, I have to admit she wasn't exactly encouraging them...

    I guess with your cold, cold winter, you'll be looking forward to summer and future swims.

  11. Wow, Penny! You kinda thought 2 Labradors how to swim, impressive :) Although it looks a little bit as if there were trying to get your toy at any cost...
    Slobbers from Sydney

  12. Teal'c, I have to admit I don't think Penny had any interest in it all except to make sure that toy stayed in HER mouth.

  13. I like this story very much - it made me smile to see those two labs get a prize in mind and go, go, go after it. Good for Penny for holding her own.

  14. Curator, to be quite honest, if we humans hadn't intervened, I do wonder if those two lovely puppies were going to get a bit of a telling-off from Penny.
