Wednesday 1 February 2012

Penny's Mango Minster entry for 2012

Recently we made a last-minute decision to throw our hats into the ring for Mango's competition. Penny was adamant that she wanted to go into the Adventure Animals category, so I said I'd tag along and see what she could come up with. To my astonishment, she went on an interstellar adventure!

Here it is:

I reckon she should win, just on the basis of having travelled the furthest to show what she can do.

I know the photography and the editing of the video clip is as amateurish as usual (but remember, 'amateur' means 'lover').

However, what about the music? Isn't it a winner? I was bemoaning my lack of film skills and wishing I could add music, when a wonderful man offered not only to organise a music clip for me, but to actually compose it.

Stuart - thank-you!

If you like the music, why don't you go over to The Cardells on Soundcloud and listen to more?


  1. That was a great adventure Penny! Glad I didn't see any aliens -- I would have been spooked and started doing zoomies!

  2. I loved your video and the music, Penny! You are quite the adventure girl!

    Love ya lots,

  3. Lassie and Benjie, thank goodness we didn't spook you!

  4. Mitch, I think the best part of the adventure for her was snoozing at the end. If you listen very, very closely, you can hear some snoring.

  5. Wow, Penny: extra points for having an original score for your video! Your a doggie after Abby's own heart: you completed your assignment in an efficient and competent manner and filed a succinct report. And you love to dig. You are a first class explorer, and explorers are the ultimate adventurers. Best of luck in the contest.

    Jed & Abby

  6. Jed and Abby, thanks for the encouragement. I went over to your blog and saw that you are starting a place to remember pets who have left us. That's a great idea, because it gives us a place for people to grieve and support each other. I've been a blogger for many years and I'm sad each time I hear a pet has died.

  7. Wonderful adventure Penny and the music was awesome. Adventures always leave us sleepy even when they are someone else s so we are off for a nap.

  8. Hee! Hee! I love it!! :-) And who says the editing is amateurish? I thought it was great! Very creative too about how the "message" was delivered. I think it also shows how much you can do just in your own people have no excuse! :-) Penny looked very self-important when she was carrying the 'message' - ha! ha!

    Am so glad you gave it a go! I always think half the fun of these things is in the MAKING of the entries (they challenge you to be creative & do new things with your dog) - and not really about whether you win or not! :-)


  9. ps. Did you email Mango to let him know you're entering??

  10. ArtemisiaFSS, I came over to visit you. You have so many blogs!

  11. Hsin-Yi, I did email Mango's mum. And I totally agree about the entering of competitions. It's great fun and it's not about winning. I also think it creates a lovely spirit of co-operative fun amongst us bloggers.

  12. It really turned out well!

  13. Cardells, it was so boring until you composed the music. I love the music! Did you notice I managed to fix the fact that the video was the wrong size for my blog? Mango's Mum, who arranged the competition, also emailed me to tell me about it. I was absolutely determined to fix it and just fiddled around until I got it right.

  14. Great, it looks much better now. Best of luck with the contest entry.

  15. Oh wow Penny! We just watched your MM2012 entry and were very impressed. Our mommy has accused us of being from outer space, but she has never been able to catch us in the act of re-entering earth's atmosphere. We MUST keep this video secret from her!! Cool music too...It added to the suspense.
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRD & Hootie

  16. Baby Rocket and Hootie, with a name like that I can see how you'd like our entry! I'm glad you liked the music. It was so kind of Stuart to write music especially for Penny and me.

  17. That certainly was an adventure! Good luck to you.

  18. Thanks, twodawgs! There sure were a lot of adventurous dogs at Mango Minster.
