Sunday 22 April 2012

kitchen training

Now that Penny is feeling better after her biopsy but isn't allowed to go on long walks, we've returned to doing some kitchen training. Today I thought I'd revisit a trick where she is supposed to look at a toy in my hand and choose the matching toy from scattered items on the floor. It's delightful to see her returning to her happy self. We'll still put the dreaded cone of shame on at night, at least until Tuesday, when we go back to the vet to get the stitches taken out. It went okay (except for my embarrassing tendency to repeat commands!), but I suspect Penny isn't sure what I'm on about.


  1. Looks like the kitchen training is going well, and Penny is very smart! Hope she feels much better soon!
    Happy Earth Day!

  2. You're so smart, Penny! Your mom never lets you get bored, does she!

    Love ya lots,

  3. Get well soon Penny...all the sooner to skip the Cone of Shame! I love seeing your tail wag in photos!

  4. Curator, I love the tail wags too!

  5. Stewey, thanks for the good wishes.

  6. Mitch, I try my best to keep her life interesting, but I must admit there are hours when nothing is happening. Thank goodness dogs sleep so much.

  7. That's great news that she is back to normal and she looks great!

    She is also looking very intelligent.

    Hope Kitchen training continues going well!

    Best Wishes

  8. Love the matching game you are teaching Penny. So cute. Penny did such a great job finding the matching pair! Does Penny help you sort socks too! Bet she could!!!

  9. Thanks, Flynnah and Lassie. Lassie, I must admit that when Penny was a puppy she had a love affair with socks, so I wouldn't dare let her at them now, lol.

  10. What a great idea for a game! Although I really seriously doubt that Honey could ever grasp this one – she has problems picking up a toy from the ground, never mind finding a matching one! :-) Penny is much more clever pup! :-)


  11. Hsin-Yi, it was your recent blogs about stimulating things you're doing with Honey that made me think we'd better do something interesting while Penny's not having proper walks.
