Friday 27 April 2012

Penny walks once more

Penny had the stitches out today and when the vet examined her foot he said she should be fine to go for walks, even though her foot might be 'tender'. The original problem, which seems to be a build-up of calloused skin, hasn't been resolved, but the vet thinks the large slice he took out for the biopsy might result in new blood-flow to the area and thus solve it. The problem seems to be developing on her other front foot, though. I guess we'll deal with that when necessary...

 She set off enthusiastically for her first proper walk in two weeks, sniffing around Yarra Bend Park.

And, joy of joys, she found a ball.

(In this photo you might see how she is leaning to the left to take the weight off her right front foot. That was the behaviour that made us take action to try to resolve the issue.)

 After lots of bounding around and rolling, Penny noticed her foot was indeed tender. More than tender, by the body language.

So we headed home.


  1. Just look that smile when she found a ball.

  2. Im glad she is doing good - omg I just love the pic of her sitting in front of the pink ball - very cute - hugs to you and your mommy!

  3. Penny. Hope your foot gets better soon! That sure is a pretty pink ball.

  4. I'm so happy that you found a ball, Penny! Take it easy on that foot.

    Love ya lots,

  5. Slavenka and Hound Girl, it just made Penny's day to find that ball.

  6. Lassie and Mitch, I was a bit worried about how sore the foot was, by this morning she seems fine once more.
