Saturday 7 July 2012

at Tyntynder Lodge in Bright

Penny had a lovely holiday recently. We decided spontaneously to head off for Bright. I'd been there a couple of years ago and realised it would be a wonderful place for a doggy holiday, because there are no rules about having your dog on lead.

So we looked up accommodation on the Net and came across a place called Tyntynder Lodge that had been voted best dog accommodation in Australia. That sure sounded nice.To my surprise, when I got there I realised I had scouted it out when I was there last time without Penny. I had forgotten.

It was a great place to stay. There was a fenced garden out the back, which could be accessed  from a side gate near the quiet street...

or from the back porch.

Inside, the floors were polished...

dogs were permitted everywhere...

and there was a cozy log fire as well as reverse cycle heating/cooling.

We did find the polished floors a bit of a concern, seeing Penny has had an injury to her cruciate ligament. We would have preferred a carpeted area, but I can see that would be a problem for hygiene, with many different dogs staying there. 

The lovely little fenced yards were next to each other, which could lead to a bit of fence-running, if owners were not alert, but there was no-one staying in the unit next to ours, so we didn't have to look out for that. (Given that the temperature was very low, not much above freezing, neither Penny nor we were keen to be out in the yard.)

It was a fabulous place to stay, not just tolerant of dogs, but inviting and welcoming to canine visitors.


  1. How nice that you got to go too, Penny! What a pretty spot!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  2. Mitch and Molly, having Penny with us made the holiday so much better!

  3. Looks like a great place to visit!!!

  4. It was a juvenile book in Finnish. The author is also Finnish. I just found out the author was from my hometown where I used to live when I was young :D But she died on same year I was born, 1987. What a coincidence!


  5. Lilli, thanks for coming over to answer my question on your blog. I'm so glad to have discovered your blog, because I know next to nothing about Finland or the Finnish language.
