Wednesday 17 October 2012

trying out my iPhone hautik lens

Today Penny and I returned to Willsmere, a lovely park by the Yarra River. Penny had fun and so did I, trying out my new Hautik, 12X telephoto lens for my iPhone.

Here's a picture with the normal phone. Do you see the seat at the base of the tree in the distance?

And here's the same scene with the lens. It's a bit out of focus, because I had trouble holding it still. The kit comes with a tripod and I think I'll take it next time.

Here are another two photos for comparison.

Once again, I had trouble holding the iPhone still.

But I'm going to persist with the lens, because I think it will be good.

Unfortunately, all the other pictures were accidentally little movies, because I must have pressed the wrong button. I'll have to be more careful next time.


  1. The pictures look great to us! Our mom is a dummy when it comes to new electronics probably because she's as old as dirt!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  2. Hi, Mitch and Molly
    I'm as old as dirt too! That's probably why I took little videos when I thought I was taking photos.
