Friday 18 January 2013

red tennis balls grow on trees

The red tennis balls (aka plums) are ripening on the tree.   Penny has collected one to keep.

Fortunately, she doesn't eat the plums. She just likes to have them around, perhaps regarding them as toys.


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Cool tennis ball there Penny! Bet it's nice and juicy!

Duke said...

We wish we had a plum tree in our yard or in our travels but we would eat it - not save it, Penny!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

parlance said...

Lassie and Benjie, I hope Penny never realises the plums are juicy and nice, because I think the stone in the middle would be dangerous.

parlance said...

Mitch and Molly, I'll bet you would! You are champion eaters.

C.M said...

She's guarding her treasure!! Very cute

parlance said...

Clare, to be honest, she doesn't really guard it. She's quite a laid-back dog and she just likes to have it around. If I take it she doesn't mind.