Thursday 6 June 2013

post surgery for the lipoma

Penny's operation to remove a lipoma has given us peace of mind, and she appears to have bounced back from the anaesthetic, but these photos show there's still a price to pay.

I'll be glad when we've been back to the vet to check it is all healing okay. Two days to wait.


  1. Parlance...I got up extra early today to see if you posted anything on Penny's progress...I am so glad to hear she is on the path to healing. Pray that she and her 2 humans, never have to go through this again. I did laugh this morning...we are heading to the vet at 9:15 am to have Teddy's lump checked out and we are in the midst of a heavy rainstorm...much like the monsoon you talked about over the weekend. Cheers!

  2. You look sore, Penny! We're sending tons of healing vibes your way!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Mitch and Molly, I tossed and turned all night wondering how Penny was feeling, having taken those photos of her red belly. But she is full of beans and energy this morning and looks quite fine. The scar must look worse than it feels, I guess.

  4. Tina, please let me know how you go. I'm thinking of you. I don't know if anyone has told you, but it seems we both might be in for more lumps as our dogs get older. Apparently it happens quite often as part of the aging process.

  5. Penny get better real soon. Make sure u get extra treats from the humans too.

  6. Lassie and Benjie, she sure has been getting extra treats! She'll probably weigh a ton by this time next week.
