Thursday 8 August 2013

grooming your dog

I always get tense about taking Penny to grooming. I've tried a few places over her lifetime, and always felt uneasy that I couldn't stay and see what what happening. However, I realise the groomer can't work with the owner looming over her shoulder, so I knew I had to leave.

Well, my problem has been solved.

A friend told me he is happy with a groomer who works in a large pet store not ten minutes' walking distance from home. I called in and browsed the aquarium equipment for ten minutes, peeking over the top of a display of fish food into the grooming area. The groomer, unaware of anyone watching, was lovely with the dog she was working on, encouraging and soothing.

Later I called in with Penny after phoning ahead and met the groomer, and primed her with lots of nice treats for Penny. Who, by the way, took one look around, tucked her tail between her legs and tried to squeeze out under the door. (Well, not literally, but metaphorically.)

Today I took Penny down after a muddy romp in a local park.

We walked down and, sure enough, Penny didn't want to stay. But I left. Right next door is a great little cafe with cakes and hot chocolate, and I sat there for a while reading a book. How nice!

I couldn't resist having a look to see what was happening, and entered the store at the upper level and discovered to my delight that from up there I had a great view of Penny standing calmly to be clipped, and I was far enough away that Penny couldn't even catch my scent.

Reassured, I went for a walk around the streets to enjoy the lovely gardens, which are showing signs already of spring. After less than an hour Penny was finished and Gaby, the groomer called me to come and get her.

Penny was relaxed and confident when I picked her up and we walked home in the winter sunshine.

I think she looks great.

Penny insisted on showing off her neat belly hair.


  1. She sure looks different from that top photo. Who is that new dog?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Pawsome haircut Penny! Glad the groomer was super nice!

  4. Hi, mary
    You accidentally commented twice, so I removed one. Yep, it's a new dog. I hope she's as sweet and wonderful as the old one we used to have.

  5. Slavenka, I kind of liked her as a 'big hair gal', but she looks neater now.

  6. lassie and Benji, it's great to have found this new groomer. I hope she stays in the shop for years!

  7. You look just beautiful, Penny, and we know that your mom is superhappy that she got to sneak peeks and make sure you got the best care!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  8. Mitch and Molly, you are so right. It was the sneak peeks that made me happy.

  9. That's great you found a friendly, warm, comforting place!!! Relief....Penny looks fabulous!

  10. Johann, you said it - friendly, warm and comforting. So true.
