Sunday 27 October 2013

grass parrots and a dog

We visited a new walking place today, at the end of Wills Street in Kew. I don't know what the little off-lead place is called, but it has terrific views over towards the city of Melbourne.

Penny wasn't too keen on saying hello to the other dogs. She is quite wary when we go to places where she doesn't usually walk (pretty often, actually). But she greeted them quietly and headed away from them.

The grass parrots, as usual, aren't worried when there are dogs around.

We headed out of the little off-lead area and found some nice paths to wander along. The highlight was seeing this pair of - presumably amorous - grass parrots seemingly checking out a nesting hollow in a dead tree.


  1. What beautiful birds! You always find the prettiest spots to walk, Penny!
    This morning, mom was putting the garden to sleep by cutting down asters and black-eyed Susans and plants that need to be cut to the ground before winter sets in. One of the black female swans was not too far from mom and she kept chatting with her. Mom said hi and went back to her work. She happened to glance up and Agnes was making a nest out of the autumn leaves that were up against dad's barn. Mom thinks that Agnes was trying to tell her that she was stealing her nesting material! We think our black swans are still on Australian time!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  2. So beautiful!! Great to see birds from around the world!

  3. Johann, I love reading about the creatures that share you home, too.
