Friday 1 November 2013

whatever happened to Lucky the famous seafaring dog?

It's almost exactly three years ago since I posted about the book Lucky Goes to Sea, by Frank Robson. I loved this book, because it was centred on the dog and the love his humans had for him.

I remember quoting a sentence near the end of the story:
He's our once-in-a-lifetime dog, and even if he lives to be twenty (not that unusual among small breeds) it won't be enough.

I'm sad to hear that Lucky did not live long after the book was written.

I've just read this news in a letter written by Frank Robson to the editor of The Big Issue. He says, in part,

Sadly, not long after the cruising adventure outlined in the book ended and we came ashore, Lucky - then about 13 - succumbed to cancer. We tried going for a few short sails without him, but it just wasn't the same…so we sold the old trimaran and settled (for the time being) in Brisbane…it is a wonderful thing to adopt a dog and show him or her a good time, especially when their happiness lights up your world as Lucky's did.

RIP Lucky.

The Big Issue is my favourite magazine.

I think Lucky looked a lot like Penny. I asked her to pose with the two books, Lucky for Me, and Lucky Goes to Sea, but Penny doesn't like the camera pointing at her (as you can see by her nervous lip licking).

Penny's not really into reading books...


  1. i will have to check my library's catalogue for these books parlance (and request them if not in the collection!)

    indeed, rip lucky... and penny seems to love books - see how calming they can be!!!!

  2. proud women, I think you will enjoy these books. Read Lucky for Me first.

    Yep, Penny does find books calming, lol.

  3. Love Penny's tongue licking action. Good thing Penny didn't eat the book when you asked her to pose with it.

  4. RIP, Lucky! He did look very much like you, Penny!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  5. Lassie and Benji, thank goodness Penny's not into book eating!

  6. Mitch and Molly, Lucky was a lucky dog to have such an adventurous life, but I'm sad that he died of cancer.

  7. Thanks for the book tip!

    Stop on by for a visit

  8. Kari, I loved both of the books.
