Saturday 14 December 2013

enjoying a little park with the dog

As I've said before, living with a dog makes me more aware of local places to enjoy nature. I was driving through Heidelberg recently and noticed a teensy little park and stored the information away in my 'can't-be-bothered-going-for-a-proper-walk' mental filing cabinet.

Today was one of those days, so we drove to the minuscule park and Penny showed me that you don't have to cover a lot of ground to have fun.

You can chase tennis balls and then lie on them.

You can mooch around smelling the smells.

There's always the pleasure of surveying the local scenery.

And, of course, you can just enjoy the ownership of a really, really grotty old tennis ball.


  1. How fun!!! New places are the bestest!!!

  2. Johann, you dogs help us humans to see things with fresh eyes.

  3. Sounds like bliss!
    Although I does not like tennis balls when they get too old And dirty. I leave them behind then.
    ~Lickies, Ludo

  4. What a pleasant thing it was to come along with Penny on a nice little dry warm walk. I wish you many more this season!

  5. Ludo, Penny would love you. Her very most favourite thing is to find an old horribly dirty ball another dog has left behind.

  6. Thanks, Curator. Warm, not too hot, dry days are lovely indeed. But we here never lose sight of the fact that we live in a desert, basically, so I won't complain about the occasional rain, either.

  7. Pawsome tennis ball you got there Penny! (Oh and we think we fixed the link thingy you mentioned when you tried to click to our blog from a comment. Let us know if it still doesn't work right. Thanks)

  8. Ok, I'll check it out, Lassie and Benji.

  9. He!he!he! He is so cute!
    I wish you and your furry friend a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    Patricia. x

  10. Patricia, it's lovely to hear from you again. Welcome back!
