Tuesday 15 April 2014

Green and lovely looking but deceptive

A visit to Chelsworth Park yesterday made Penny and me feel happy. I was happy because the greenness raises my spirits and Penny was happy because she could roll around on the soft new grass.

A wonderful new project harvests storm water here. More than 30 Olympic swimming pools worth of storm water will be harvested each year. The park and the adjoining golf course should now be green all year. I'll look forward to that next summer!

If you look at these photos, you'll see a lovely-looking expanse of greenery in Chelsworth Park. But don't be fooled!

It's not grass.

It's a wetland, covered in what I think is probably duckweed. I suspect it's not a good thing environmentally, but I can assure you the frogs seemed to be happy, because they were singing loudly as we walked past. (On lead -  we're always careful to obey the restrictions about not disturbing native wildlife.)


  1. with australia's frogs rapidly disappearing it's nice to know some have found a haven - and you get to enjoy their 'song' while walking in a lovely area with penny...

  2. proud womon, there were lots and lots of frogs calling, and from different locations. It was thrilling. As you say, our frogs are in great danger. It wasn't the popplebonk, which we hear quite a lot around here. It was a deeper sound.

  3. Our dad calls that a green solar cover. The waterfowl love to gobble it up!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. Mitch and Molly, I wonder if water fowl will fly in to these ponds and gobble up the yummy plants.
