Sunday 27 June 2021

Peppa has joined our family

 It was a long trip home in heavy traffic, last Thursday...

and the driver was taking great care, because there was a very special new family member on someone's lap.


Her name was meant to be 'Pepper', but the breeder spelled it this way, so that's what we will call her.

It feels sad to be writing on Penny's blog without Penny lying asleep in the house, but we've finally made the decision to try to find a new little soul to live with us. It's been more than fifteen months since Penny died, and though we have more grieving to do, Peppa is bringing us joy.

And she's brining us visitors. The cat next door came into our house for the first time in his life on Friday, when his human visited to meet Peppa. He was nervous of Peppa, but he's a cat used to dogs, so we thought we'd try to get off on a friendly footing with him. Peppa was most interested to see him, but he didn't want to be friends. Yet. 

She has turned out to be a calm, confident little girl. Here's hoping we can give her the wonderful life she deserves.


  1. How wonderful! Welcome, Peppa! You have the bestest home ever with your new mom and dad and we can't wait to get to know you better. You are such a doll.

  2. Welcome to blogville Peppa. We are stopping by blogville to say woof. Its been a long time and Mommy knows exactly how u feel about how hard it is to blog without your Penny. Angel Lassie and Benji
