Friday, 23 November 2007

dogs off-lead around native birds

Today Penny, Jabari, Jabiri's mum and I walked in a new spot- Bulleen Park - where there were plenty of birds feeding on the ground and in the air around us.

The red-rumped parrots seemed quite undisturbed by the two dogs. When we approached them, they flew away about four or five metres and continued feeding on the ground nearby. I tried to take a picture with my phone but they were camouflaged in the grass. But here's a lovely close-up I found on flickruploaded by M G Jefferies.

The crested pigeons were also wandering around on the ground, looking as beautiful as ever. There's a great picture of one on flickr.

I think we must have been disturbing insects as we walked across the grass, because flocks of swallows were diving and swooping around us. The pee wees didn't seem to care where we went.

As for the occasional magpies, they ignored us, thank goodness. I think if it came to a confrontation we would come off second-best. I must say, they are one of my favorite birds, but it's scary when they swoop you!


  1. I've met a birdie face to face before during my Johnson & Johnson TV commercial for India. I was very interested in it & wanted to eat it, heeheehee! The scene was supposed to be me sniffing an injured dead bird on the ground & then I back up & bark to revive the bird. he scene was successful but they did not put the bird on the ground coz they were scared I would eat it coz I was very, very interested in it... I had many scenes to do & at one scene, during the rehearsal day, I had a terrible accident. I was supposed to walk across the stream on a narrow log. I had no problem for the 1st & 2nd time but the third time, I tried to turn around & walk back becoz the other end is a dead end but the scene was supposed to be like we were walking to the other side of the stream but anyway, I slipped & fell on my back & slammed onto a boulder with a loud boom. My back hurt but I was not injured at all. My hoomans rushed me to the vet after the rehearsal day was over & they x-rayed my back & organs & there was nothing wrong. I only had a small swelling on my back & that was it. Lucky me! I really enjoyed myself doing the commercial. I got payed alot too! Yes me, not my hoomans, hehehe!

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  2. Amber-Mae, would there be a place on the Net where I can view that commercial? It sounds as if it was very exciting for you to be on tv!! Have you been in other tv commercials?

  3. I have the same experience when my Mum and I walk around Gardiners Creek. There are lots of native birds in the grasses and trees and they don't seem to worry about me at all. I see ducks and Ibis swimming on the creek. I don't bother them either as my Mum has lots of parrots and canaries in the avaries at home so I know not to jump up and scare them. I do chase the wild birds out of the yard though!

  4. Parlance, my hoomans kept on calling the people but they kept on saying that it's not ready. They promised my hoomans that they will give us a copy of it but no. The commercial was done in February but until now, it's not ready. I don't know what happened...I'm still waiting for it too.

    But do go to this website & watch my Golden friend, Big Boy, in the commercial. He did one before too for Korea. His one is in the website but min is still not there. Click the video which says Kia "Opirus".

    His commercial is short but mine was longer. He is a very gorgeous Golden & he used to go for training at with me but now his hooman, is very busy with school & work so now, she has no time to bring him there for training anymore.

    But I heard something from my hooman M that I will be breeding with him sometime next year. Hmmm...I hope not coz I don't like him that much actually coz he always humps me non-stop! Yes he is handsome but neh, he's not my type...

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  5. Oh yeah, also watch the one which is titled Nippon Paint "Sumo & Crazy Mask". I've never met that doggie before but he's quite known here in my country. The ad is quite funny...

    Love licks,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  6. Jabari, it's funny that you say you don't mind the birds in cages but you DO get rid of the other kinds of birds.
    Our garden has water dishes everywhere for the birds and lots of finches and wattle birds (as well as other non-native and native birds) visit, and Penny leaves them alone. But... let one crow land anywhere in a tree to steal our precious twigs for building a nest and Penny goes wild. You dogs sure are particular about which birds you will tolerate.
