Thursday, 20 March 2008

idea for building a doggy waste compost

It always seems a pity to put Penny's dog poo in the ordinary rubbish bin, as it should be useful compost. I've just read a blog with instructions on how to build my own compost pit, so I think I'll give it a go. It's basically a rubbish bin with holes in it, buried in the ground, with rocks in the bottom for drainage. You need to buy septic starter, which I haven't heard of. I'm not sure we have that system in Australia. But it seems worth investigating.

Interestingly, our local council has just begun selling a similar system that is buried in the ground - for normal composting. It's called The Green Cone. I think it might be possible to put doggy waste in it - I'll check it out, I think.

I think the idea for the dog waste compost may have come originally from a site in British Columbia called City Farmer, which is reported at There's some additional information, which answers my concern about dog poo in the garden - you don't actually dig out the doggy composter. The faeces just seep into the subsoil as you add material. You don't put it in the garden at any stage. I think that's the principle behind the Green Cone, too - very timely in southern Australia where the level of moisture in the subsoil is now so low because of the dry conditions.


  1. My dad ustd to keep a compost pile all the time out in the country, but it didn't require a hole or any thing except a tarp to keep it coverd. Ye raked leaves and put in there and all organic trash from the house went in as well as some cow poop. He pulled the tarp off every once in a while and turned it with a pitchfork. I'll get more details from him about it if you would like to know about his method.

  2. My Human would be happy if she could run her truck off our poop!

  3. That's a great idea! I wouldn't be surprised at all if the dog waste compost idea came from here in B.C., 'cause this place is definitely worthy of my poop, hee hee!


  4. Sharon, I would be interested to hear more about his method. I think we need to listen to the older experienced people. So, when you've talking to him next, I'd love to hear what he says.

  5. Turbo, I don't think you would poop enough methane, or whatever it is that's needed!

  6. Sparky, I bet your poop is as beautiful as everything about you!

  7. You may want to visit one of my Squidoo lenses - - there is some info on composting at the bottom!

    Enjoy, it's a fun lens.

    Woofs, Johann

  8. Johann, that's certainly a comprehensive look at the subject. I especially like the National Geographic article on generating power from dog poo. I'm off to look more closely at City Farmer again.
