Wednesday, 19 November 2008

dogs protecting crops from king parrots

An important part of a dog's work is to protect their humans from predators. And Penny was on the job today.

Now, if you look at this photo you might see beauty, not danger...

Ahah! But what if you were the gardener who had lovingly tended your cherry trees, waiting, waiting, waiting as the tiny fruits swelled with juicy tenderness? What if you had strolled outside to admire your burgeoning crop - only to see this fruit thief brazenly scoffing your tender little fruitlets?

What if you were minding your own business and this stealer of crops came tapping on your window, demanding you come out and feed him? (Not satisfied with the cherries, you note!)

I think you might be glad that your dog, having practised each night on possum-chasing, transferred her skills to king parrot duty. Penny did her best, but being a ground-dwelling mammal, her parrot-scaring abilities were limited.

In fact, I'd say the parrots didn't give a hoot. Secure in the knowledge that they are incredibly beautiful and attractive, they just got on with the business of seducing the humans into feeding them.

Okay, I'll have to admit it. I forgave them for the cherry theft.

Yes, I did feed them.


  1. Oh Parlance who can resist them when they are so nice.

  2. You're right,, Slavenka. Who could resist them? Sigh...
    I think that's why they are so tame. Everyone loves them.
