Saturday, 14 February 2009

many people offer respite accommodation to pets

Emails have been flying around the local Net lately asking people to take in pets from bushfire affected area on a temporary basis. We registered early and we've been trying to think through our strategy for introducing a potentially traumatised dog into the household.

But today I heard that the small firm that is organising the respite care has received ten thousand emails and five hundred calls a day!

People certainly are willing to help.

I think we will wait and see. It's bound to be a long road to recovery.

I heard that someone needs a home for two large pet pigs. They are to be relocated from Daylesford tomorrow. If anyone local is able to help, maybe you could leave a comment here and I'll pass on your information.

We are still reading the CFA updates each hour or so on the weather conditions around Warburton, our favorite place other than Melbourne and the home of our friends, both human and canine.

So far so good.

But we need rain. Lots of heavy rain.
And cool, windless weather.


  1. Praying for rain for our friends in Austarlia

  2. Hello,
    I've been thinking about you and those affected by the fires. I'm glad that you are ok. As usual your heart is with those in need. Bless you. I pray that tempory homes are found for all the animals and people in need. I hope your friends in Warburton and you remain safe.

    Sharon (& Rusty)

  3. Our paws are crossed that you get LOTS of rain!
    We think about you guys all the time!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Teddy and Tina, Sharon and Rusty, and Maggie and Mitch - and your humans, of course :-) - thanks for these wishes. It's very comforting to read your messages.
