Saturday, 16 June 2012

Scruffy visits

It's been a long time since Scruffy visited us. He first came in 2009, and was an occasional visitor for a couple of years, but we haven't seen him for a while.

 When he visited  last week, Penny made sure to remind him that she's the householder and has rights that he doesn't have.

 Here she is sitting on the swinging seat with her human while he lies on the ground.


  1. There is enough room on that swing for both you and Scruffy, Penny. Just sayin'.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  2. Mitch and Molly, you must be nicer than Penny, to think of that generous suggestion!

  3. Hi Scruffy! So nice to meet you! Can't wait to hear more about what Penny and Scruffy are up to! Hopefully Penny is being a good host and is sharing her toys!

  4. Lassie and Benjie, I think you'll be waiting a long time for Penny to be a good host. She allows visitors, but just ignores them.
