Wednesday, 15 August 2012

this little puppy won't be crate trained

A friend sent me a link to this lovely article and I have to pass it on, in case there is someone out there who hasn't read it already.

I had just read a terrible article about a rescue from a puppy factory here in Victoria and was feeling lower than low, so getting this amusing link right after that was a real mood lifter. This little puppy will have a great life. I only hope she didn't come from a puppy farm.


  1. thank you for sharing - the original laika's story was so tragic...

    i saw the rescue from the puppy factory the other day - timely that oscar's law puppy factory awareness rallies are being held in melb, syd & adelaide on september 16...

    i want oscar's law...

  2. Thanks...16 September. Putting it in my diary right now.

  3. proud womon, I forgot to say - the original Laika's tale is an absolute indictment of the human race.
