Saturday, 10 August 2013

an alien visitor in the local park

We've just come home from a visit to Willsmere Park, and when I sat down to look at my photos, I clicked on a close-up of strange bumps on a tree.

But what was this? The computer's face recognition program thought there was a face peeping out of one of the bumps!

Da Dum (creepy music rising to a crescendo)... when I zoomed in on the little bump, it looked like...

an alien dog.

Do you see the ear hanging down at the right? The long line of the muzzle? 

I think it might be a visitor from Penny's planet of origin, perhaps the Canine Leader who sent her to explore Earth and see if it was fit for Doggy Colonisation.


  1. That is weird!

  2. I totally see it. Looks like a Cocker Spaniel. I always wondered why its called the "bark" on a tree trunk -- i guess now we know why. Maybe every tree has a hidden alien dog on it and it "barks".

  3. Hi, Cardells
    I was pleased to see this weird thing, because it gave me a reason to repost your fabulous backing music for Penny's interstellar adventure.

  4. Lassie and Benji, now I understand.
    I wonder how many alien dogs are hidden in the so-called 'bark' of our trees...

  5. Those are strange bumps and we do see the face! We loved your video, Penny!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  6. Aha! Mitch and Molly can see the face also! It might be only dog lovers who can see it...
