Wednesday, 31 August 2016

a dog as music connoisseur

Penny's recovering well from her strange limping problem, we hope. It's good to get her up and about as much as possible, with gentle exercise.


Am I hurt about what she does when I play the piano? Get up from her mat and take herself out of the house?

No, not at all...

Worst of all, she comes back in when I stop playing.


  1. Awwwwwww - your mom is making beautiful music, Penny! Come back inside!

  2. Well... Molly and Mackie, you haven't actually heard me play. I'm not so very good.

  3. Well, perhaps it moves her so deeply she needs space! Or she's mad you're paying attention to something other than her. (That last happens a bit at the Museum.)

  4. Just witnessed it! She walked out as soon as Catherine sat on the piano stool!! Hilarious.

  5. No, Mary, from my point of view your hilarity is uncalled-for! I like my playing...

  6. curator, I think you've hit the nail on the head. She moves out into nature in order to commune even more deeply with her love of beautiful things.
