Monday, 16 October 2023

Finally getting back to training and fun

 Since we've been attending the Play and Train classes at Warringal on Sunday mornings, life has become more settled at home. Peppa has had frequent tummy upsets and visits to vets, and we seem now to have found foods that she can stomach. 

And, best of all, we've found that her appetite is improving and she will take food as training rewards.

Consequently, we're able to play in the kitchen with the toys I bought from K-Mart. 


At the moment, I'm rewarding for simply not being scared by the new objects in the house. I was surprised, after fifteen years with phlegmatic Penny, to realise that Peppa is a totally different personality, who needs lots of time to adjust to novelty. (Penny thrived on novelty!)


  1. We are thrilled that you are finding foods that make you happy, Peppa. Vet visits are no fun. We can't see the video. It says it's unavailable.

  2. Training is hard when you can't use treats. Glad Peppa is doing better. My Levi was the same way about new things in the house taking him a while to approach, even barking at them. I got woke up in the night once with him barking at something in the kitchen. Scared the crap out of me (and him) until I discovered it was an afghan I'd left on the counter top.
